Winners 2021
In 2021, the second edition of the National Women and Peace and Security National Journalism Award was held. It is an initiative of theRed Nacional de Mujeres in alliance with Pacifista and supported by the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) and Norad.
November 23, 2021
First place in the professional category
Explotación sexual de niñas: la consecuencia invisible del ecocidio en el Guaviare (Sexual Exploitation of Girls: the Invisible Consequences of Ecocide in Guaviare)
Natalia Pedraza Bravo
The loss of forest in the department of Guaviare, the armed conflict, and the relationship with the settlers have pushed the Nukak and Jiw indigenous communities to population centers such as San José del Guaviare. Drug use and the sexual exploitation of minors are some of the consequences that the loss of territory has left.
Second place in the professional category
Historia de guerra, una vida para no repetir (A History of War, a Life not to Repeat)
Daniel Ortiz Londoño
This radio chronicle tells the story of a female ex-combatant of the FARC who decided to lay down her arms and start a new life. In the course of the conversation, Jenny Flórez recounts the reasons that led her to join the ranks of that guerrilla and, after seeing that her life did not promise a good future, the Peace Process became a hope that, although it has had various difficulties, has allowed her to become a leading woman who has helped transform her environment and that of her peers through a cooperative.
Honorary mention in the professional category
Voces del conflicto armado en Colombia (Voices of the Armed Conflict in Colombia)
María Fernanda Barreto Mogollón
María Ida Canal Moros is a seventy-year-old woman, a social leader of the armed conflict in Catatumbo. As a legal attorney, she has worked hard for the victims of violence. When she was young, the EPL kidnapped her, motivating her to fight for those who had lived the same as her. Tuvo los casos más sádicos de la guerra irregular. For her, the change of the country in the context of the peace process is very significant.
First place student category
Janeth, una madre de paz (Janeth, a Mother of Peace)
Laura Tatiana Vargas Lizarazo
In Colombia, forced displacement in the last 30 years has brought hundreds of women to Bogotá, where they have fallen into prostitution due to the lack of opportunities. Today, many of them are organized in the Petra Mujeres Valientes Network, and they want the sexual exploitation to which they were subjected to be recognized as a violence of the conflict.
This microsite is an initiative of La red Nacional de Mujeres with support from GNWP, Norad and Global Affairs Canada's Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOP).
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