Hilando el territorio (Spinning the Territory)

This podcast revolves around women’s initiatives in the regions directly or indirectly related to peacebuilding.


This episode explores the general aspects of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. It makes a historical, sociocultural, and political review of the processes developed by women so that their voices are included in the construction of peace within the framework of the peace agreement between the government and the FARC in Colombia.

When playing the video, click on the settings icon and activate the English subtitles.


This episode portrays the work of three women belonging to the departments of Chocó and Cauca to guarantee their political participation and position themselves on public agendas and territorial development plans to advance in the guarantee of peace and security for all in the context of the resolution.

When playing the video, click on the settings icon and activate the English subtitles.


This episode presents the experience of the Mesa Departamental de Nariño and its commitment to facing the Covid-19 pandemic based on self-care and emotional management.

When playing the video, click on the settings icon and activate the English subtitles.


In this episode, members of five women's organizations from Tolima share their strategies to face the impacts of Covid-19 through training, art, entrepreneurship, and above all, understanding rural and urban differential needs.

When playing the video, click on the settings icon and activate the English subtitles.


In this episode, two women's organizations from Bolívar share their reflections and organizational strategies to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 on women. From champeta to training and legal advice, they show that music is vital to manage social and family relationships and that access to justice is crucial for women`s empowerment.

When playing the video, click on the settings icon and activate the English subtitles.


This episode includes two organizational processes of women in Cauca who work around art and training in self-care and well-being, in addition to creating actions for political advocacy, such as strategies to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19 on women.

When playing the video, click on the settings icon and activate the English subtitles.

Social audio ads for

The location of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325

These three audio ads are part of the localization process of Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council. They are used to educate women, public officials, and the community in general in the methodology developed by Red Nacional de Mujeres. These pieces can be broadcasted before and after the workshops on local and national stations.

We hope you can also use them in your territory!

This microsite is an initiative of La red Nacional de Mujeres with support from GNWP, Norad and Global Affairs Canada's Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOP).

Photos taken from sources licensed under the  Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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