
Monitoring reports

Follow-up instruments for implementing Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security prepared by Coalición 1325.

I Monitoring Report – 2011

This document presents the context of the problem and the nature of the Colombian conflict and the effects it has on the lives of women; the data collected from the indicators grouped into the axes of participation, prevention, and protection and analyzes the care strategies for surviving women, the developments in justice and reparation, and the advances made by the State in care and justice in the context of violence against women caused by armed actors. Likewise, it presents the conclusions and recommendations addressed to the Colombian government and the United Nations.

II Monitoring Report - 2012

The document is structured into three chapters: the first describes the conflict and its effects on women. The second chapter analyzes eleven indicators within the framework of the three axes of Resolution 1325: participation, prevention, and protection. The third chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations for the Colombian State and civil society.

III Monitoring Report - 2013

The data collected in this report is based on indicators on different topics such as women’s participation in peace, violence against women during the armed conflict, and the gender approach in the regulatory framework, among others. In the end, the report presents recommendations to the Colombian State, the international community, and civil society, such as incorporating into the negotiation agenda with the FARC issues related to the guarantee of truth, justice, and reparation for women victims of the armed actors.

IV Monitoring Report - 2014

This report is a source of information that became very important in the context of the dialogues between the Colombian Government and FARC-EP “for the termination of the conflict and the search for a sustainable peace.”

This is an instrument not only for promotion, but also to ensure accountability regarding the different indicators that have been defined for compliance with the recommendations within the framework of peace and post-conflict processes and to guarantee the rights of women victims. of the armed conflict.

V Monitoring Report - 2015

This report investigates the situation of women fifteen years after Resolution 1325 was issued. The analysis is made around these axes: compliance with the Resolution itself, progress against the formulation of an action plan in the country, application of justice mechanisms, inclusion of the needs of women in the legal framework for peace, and prioritization of the crime of sexual violence in the armed conflict. At the end of the text, recommendations are made to the Colombian State on the implementation of 1325 since the general conclusions state that this commitment of the State to women and peace still needs to be developed.

VI Monitoring Report - 2017

This report is especially important in the implementation of the Final Agreement for the Termination of the Conflict between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC-EP. Monitoring Resolution 1325 provides tools to evaluate the application of the gender approach and the participation of women during implementation.

20 years after Resolution 1325, women's organizations review its implementation in Colombia during 2019

In 2020, the twenty-fifth anniversary of Resolution 1325 of 2000 and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action of 1995, whose chapter dedicated to women and the armed conflict, was the origin of this resolution. For this reason, 20 years after Resolution 1325, women’s organizations review its implementation in Colombia during 2019. This report was produced thanks to the joint work of several feminist groups that developed their work in different non-governmental organizations, platforms, and alliances. Also thanks to the way in which each of us has appropriated this instrument, whose premises had been accompanying our peace-building agenda from and with women even before its promulgation.

This microsite is an initiative of La red Nacional de Mujeres with support from GNWP, Norad and Global Affairs Canada's Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOP).

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